Together for Education

EduNet Europe is a non-profit organisation with the mission to empower teachers to effectively navigate today's challenges and maximise tomorrow's opportunities. Our vision is to enhance educational equity and ensure successful outcomes for all learners in the European Education Area — and beyond.


Education is the
kindling of a flame,
not the filling of a vessel.


We are a dedicated team of experienced educators. It is our shared passion to provide better education to our students. With our combined expertise, we develop successful strategies to enhance learning settings.


Our network consists of schools, university colleges of education, universities, teacher associations, teacher training centres and industry partners.

Together, we develop innovative methods to advance education.


Co-Coaching & Co-Construction

We contribute our expertise to projects that — by employing both innovative research and practical know-how — advance teacher education, enhance teaching strategies and develop effective learning materials. By facilitating collaboration among educational stakeholders, we create and build on cross-disciplinary, cross-institutional and cross-sectoral synergies. We are experienced in designing and managing international partnerships in education and in ensuring their long-term sustainability.


Teacher Competence is Key

We provide CPD courses for teachers, many of which are derived from our project activities. All courses are designed to equip teachers with the competencies and skills needed to help students thrive in our fast-paced world. Advance online activities and follow-up sessions complement our in-person trainings to ensure the best possible outcomes. Our courses are eligible for Erasmus+ KA1 funding. Schools and departments of education can book our courses as in-house training activities.


Erasmus+ Project Briefs

We are dedicated to developing and delivering projects
funded through the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
and the Swiss Programme for Erasmus+ funded through movetia.

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